Sunday, December 16, 2012

Single-Serve Microwave Popcorn

I don’t know why, but lately I’ve been experiencing a craving for popcorn. To satisfy it, I bought a box of single-serve microwave popcorn that I could snack on when the last 2 hours of work seemed to drag.
After that box was consumed, I planned to purchase another. Then I started to read the ingredients and nutrition labels. Suddenly, I didn’t want to eat pre-packaged microwave popcorn anymore. My favorite is Kettle Corn. The brands that carry it use sucralose as the sweetener. I don’t do fake sugar. Ditto for palm kernel oil. As I studied my options I kept coming back to the bagged popcorn. It’s certainly far more budget-friendly. And it contains a single ingredient – popcorn. The notion of making my own microwave popcorn started rolling around in my brain. I had heard or read somewhere that it’s possible to do the popping with a brown paper bag. Sure enough I did find recipes on the internet.
Turns out it really does work. My husband doesn’t eat a lot of popcorn, so heating a pot for 1 serving of stovetop popping isn’t practical. I’ve noticed that air poppers are making a comeback, but I really don’t need any more appliances in my kitchen. So the homemade single-serve microwave option is quite handy. I can also make it at school where the faculty lounges are equipped with microwaves, but no stove.
Popping my own popcorn at school gave me the idea to put together single-serve kits for all of my co-workers. Our district does a healthy eating challenge every year during the holidays. It involves getting weighed right after Thanksgiving and again after the new year. While it’s nice to have treats, those who are participating don’t want to be sabotaged with calorie bombs.
The recipe to make your own follows. You will notice in the photo that the popcorn is in a sandwich bag. To make it user-friendly for my colleagues I oiled the popcorn for them. I didn’t want the popcorn to make the bags greasy before people had the opportunity to enjoy their treat. When making for yourself, the plastic bag isn’t needed.
Single-Serve Microwave Popcorn
1/8 - 1/4 cup popcorn
1/4 tsp. canola oil (or 1 spritz of spray oil)
Leave popcorn in measuring cup and add oil to coat. Stir with a small utensil or toothpick to make sure all kernels are coated. Pour the popcorn into a paper lunch bag. Fold the top down and place in microwave. To make sure the popcorn is in a single layer, the bag can be placed on its side. Just make sure the fold is facing down. It's not necessary to use the popcorn  setting. Leave the microwave at full power and pop for 1 ½-2 minutes. Open the bag after all popping has stopped and add your favorite seasoning.
Some suggestions:
Italian: Parmesan-Romano Cheese, Italian Seasoning Herb Blend, Garlic Powder, Cayenne Pepper (The easiest way to make it is to add 2 tbsp. Italian Seasoning, 1 tbsp. Garlic Powder and ½ tbsp. Cayenne Pepper to an 8 oz. container of cheese. Besides putting it on popcorn, it’s also tasty on pasta)
Ranch: Your favorite dry ranch mix
Kettle Corn: Sugar and a small amount of salt.
To keep the calories low, your popcorn can be coated with some spray oil so your flavoring sticks to it.
The Project Queen


  1. I love this so much and love that you made bags for everyone. I eat popcorn almost daily and this does sound like a "healthier" way of eating it. Thanks. I'll be trying mine out when I get home after work.

    1. Glad you like it. Even for a larger number of people,it's a doable project. I started it 2 weeks before the day I wanted to distribute. The popcorn isn't perishable until it's popped. The cheese mixture was made and put into the condiment containers this past weekend. It doesn't hurt it to be out of the refrigerator for a few days.
