Sunday, October 25, 2015

This post is inspired by a comment my husband made. He thinks my EA doe, Lola Rapunzel, looks like the Were Rabbit. She climbs the sides of the cage when it's feeding time or just wants attention. I tried for a month to get a better photo of her doing this. Unfortunately, it was like trying to photograph a sasquatch.
If you stand in front of her with a camera, she just sits and stares at you, wondering why she hasn't been fed yet.

I don't know. There might be a slight resemblance...
What do you think?

This pic was taken 2 days ago, during a grooming session. Lola is now 10 months old. I didn't think it would be possible, but her hair is even thicker and longer than my other EA, Angus. Though they are both pedigreed purebreds, it's definite proof that the "utility" chosen by a breeder makes a difference in characteristics. Angus was bred and raised by a family who focused on fiber production. He molts his coat 4 times a year, which is just enough time for it to reach 3-4 inches staple length. Though she sheds some, Lola doesn't blow her coat quarterly. She has a show rabbit pedigree. Since I kept her hair short during the summer, I don't yet know the maximum staple length of her hair.

Lola with her ears up. The long hair hanging over her face is from her ears. She does have all the face furnishings typical of the English Angora breed, but I had to trim her "bangs" and lower the cheek furnishings to minimize the amount of hair getting in her eyes. Too much irritation can cause eye infections, and since Lola's white nose disqualifies her from showing, it's no hardship to trim up her face a bit. 

She's still stinkin' cute.

The Project Queen

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