Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Peach Report II

Well, I wish I could say my first peach crop was going to be a bumper. As far as I can tell, each tree has about 10 peaches on it. Most of the fruit still on the trees have small, black spots on the skin. I don’t know if it’s caused by a disease yet. The trees look very healthy and have even grown. I can’t say if pests, such as squirrels, have taken any peaches. We’ve had some thunderstorms that may have removed a few with strong winds and heavy rain. No “bodies” have been found on the ground, so it’s possible the rodents may have gotten to the windfalls when the dogs weren’t looking.
I did try putting some small paper bags over a few of the fruits when they were about an 1” in size. Peaches have almost non-existent stems, so I decided that method of protection wasn’t suitable. For now I’ll just keep my fingers crossed until July or August. We’ll see if any of the peaches make it to maturity. Since I wasn’t expecting fruit so soon, I wasn’t really prepared. I guess it’s time to start researching organic peach production.
The Project Queen

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